Time has flown now that we are home, and day to day life has overcome the ability to post very often (or at all). The occasion tonight is that Kendall and I must keep Chloe from sleeping for more than 5 hours since we are taking her to a pediatric neurologist tomorrow morning for an EEG to study the brain and see if there are any signs of the epilepsy she was diagnosed with at one year old. She has (knock on wood) not had a seizure since that time and whatever symptoms she had have been controlled by daily medicine to this point. It is now almost midnight, and Chloe is still going strong-we have played Wii, cards, lettter and number toys, played with beads (Pixos-her dexterity was surprisingly good for such small beads), with the kitchen, computer games, and for a good period of time I have had to pretend to either be hurt, crying, or a baby (what is it with kids wanting to see their parents cry?). The follow up MRI is in early May, but the good news is she can sleep for that one (although she can't eat or drink, and its at 6 am-so much for sleep. To make up for it they will actually have to put her under so she stays still-we'll take sleep anyway it comes).
Anyway, over the past month Chloe has adjusted to us beautifully-she has fit right in and her personality is off the charts. She is a tremendous eater, very playful, and she understands most of what we say now (needless to say her English is better than our Chinese). She is repeating words quite a bit, and knows a few staples with the list growing by the day (good morning, yummy, i love you, uh oh, be patient...wonder where she got that one from...) and most of her words sounds like she is a little Italian (she adds an A in the middle of most words-too cute). She eats just about everything, and has no hesitation in trying new things-the best is when we get one right, as I did earlier this evening letting her try a pop tart-there is no better smile. She has a great sense of humor-surprising us by pretending to pout and then bursting into laughter as if it was the funniest thing ever (and when I say burst, I mean it-she falls to the floor laughing because she lacks the ability to hold herself up when she gets going). She loves to ride bikes and trikes down the street, has just started enjoying riding on a swing (Avery's favorite), loves playing dress up, loves to "talk" on a phone (and anything ill pass as a phone-iphone, deck of cards, banana...and she typically says the same thing over and over-"way...Holly Holly..." which means "Hey...ok..." as if she is having a real conversation). She still rattles off long diatribes in chinese which we have no idea what she is saying, but always get the same response from us..."Yeah?!?"
Avery meanwhile is trying very hard to be a great big sister, and has some moments that make us sooo proud, and then others that drive us off the wall. While most kids have to adjust to a new sibling, Avery's task has been even more difficult because her younger sister showed up walking, talking and able to play with anything and everything. The most trying times are when Chloe picks up something Avery hasn't played with in a decade (yes, I know she is only 5) but at that exact moment it has become the most important toy since the first pet rock. All in all though they are finally getting in a rhythm after a fun week of spring break together-couldn't hve been timed better-capped off by big hugs tonight at bedtime (for at least one of them). Chloe (who still answers to Sun Sun most of the time) has also come around on me, and will let me hold her, give me hugs and will even give me kisses (although when I kiss her she wipes them off without fail...again to see me cry).
Chloe is also getting the wrong impression of her new home-two weeks ago was Easter, where she had four Easter egg hunts, candy out her ears and lots of gifts. This week is her birthday (April 15th) which I'm sure we won't overdue (it would be a first if we didn't). Needless to say, she may be a little disappointed after this week when she doesn't get treats and presents until Halloween.
Well gotta go, 45 more minutes and its getting tougher by the minute-like that guy on man versus food-sure the first 8 pounds of meat are no problem, but the last 8 are when the meat sweats start and you can't feel your appendages...I wonder if Chloe is feeling anything?