Sunday, March 7, 2010

Mao's Revenge...Arrival in Guangzho

A lot to catch up on, but only a short amount of time to do it tonight as the girls are fighting sleep and I (Todd) am still exhausted from my 4 day bout with Mao's Revence (similar to Montezumas, but with the added pleasures of fever/shivering and complete loss of appetite (darn ice in my Pepsi refill at Pizza Hut of all things). BM (Before's Mao's but the initials probably work on several levels) we were still in Chloe's province Chongqing, with all 34 million people tirelessly moving around there non-stop-the driving remains chaotic at best, snd yet there is a certain language the cars use (I call it horn and speak it fluently) and a big game of chicken that somehow allows it to all make sense. Chongqing is one of the hilliest provinces, and there is little bike riding around the province due to the hills. Chongqing is also home to the "spicy" girls, which according to our guide are girls whose mood changes quickly and they have short tempers, which describes our little nugget to the hilt. We have enjoyed playing games with her and laughing hysterically (she has an amazing sense of humor and will laugh at the drop of a hat most of the time) but can go from 0-60 with a frown in no-time flat. She has truly taken to Kendall, was very attached to our guide Sophie (we were quite fearful when we left Chongqing it would either be without Chloe or with Sophie against her will) and has even warmed up to me a little, but is still very independent and still wants to hit me from time to time (we have learned the words NO and DON'T very quickly in Chinese).
So to catch you up on the activities-our second to last day in Chongqing we went to the Fighting Tigers Museum, nearly brand new and a testament to the volunteers from the US military that went over to aid the Chinese Air Force against Japan. It was also a great opportunity to look around at the artist gallery, which included paintings, jade works and several other items specifically placed to seperate the tourist from his dollar (its amazing how there always seems to be the big gallery at every stop...what are the odds). After that I started to not feel well and quit caring what happened so the next few outings went something like this...girls go to dinner, I stay at hotel and sleep but can't get warm...girls go to breakfast I stay home and sleep but sweat through the sheets (and apparently get the bed all 'yucky and germy" according to Avery"), we have to check out of the hotel and go on more tours, something about 2000 year old temple and the people's republic museum (I stayed in the van and slept through both,sweating and freezing- not kidding)-had to check out of hotel which is why I even went. Poor Kendall had to juggle two girls both wanting to be held and Grandma Kathy looking for any Starbucks-not an enviable task, but certainly one made easier by Sophie our guide from heaven.
Once we got to Guangzho we were reunited with some of the families we met in Beijing (although I slept on the plane and on the bus to  the hotel) and were relieved to arrive at the White Swan, certainly the nicest hotel we have stayed throughout this trip. We have a wonderful view overlooking Guangdong ("only" 10 million people) and are only a $3 roundtrip cab ride to the nearest 2 mcDonald's (right across the square from each other, as well as KFC, Papa Johns, and those pesky ice happy Pizza Hutters...). We spent our first day here getting Chloe checked out by physicians with all of the other newbies, and they basically just want to make sure we are aware of the children's health. All of the kids had to get TB tests (we go back for the readings tomorrow-should be a hoot walking back into that building) and several had to get a lot more vaccination shots-apparently when kids are over the age of 2 and in foster care, they get the choice to get their shots-seems logical to ask a 3 year old if they want pain inflicted upon them for their own health and safety why can't they see the logic...
We have tried walking around a little-the first day the weather was in the 80's (expected) but the rest of the week will be dipping down in the 50's (not expected, at least for packing purposes-I brought way too many shorts...although thankfully Kendall made me leave the sleeveless shirts at home, sorry, no gun show today). 
Today (Sunday I think...don't laugh, we had an hour long debate about when the actual Oscars would be happening our time) we went one some shopping runs to buy some traditional presents for the girls for when they get older-grandma bout the girls jade, and we got Chloe some pearls to match the set we got Avery 5 years ago-they will be put away and given at special times in the girls lives. We also went down and played in the Mattel Play Room, a room sponsored (as you might imagine) by Mattel that has a lot of wonderful toys, stuffed animals, a tv with dvd, play horses and bouncy balls for the kids to play with...and Mattel also presents each girl with a special Barbie with her newly adopted daughter for each of the kids-both Avery and Chloe received one (Avery also received one last time) and so a special thank you to the good folks at Mattel (in case any one speaks to them this week). We finished the night catching a cab to McD's-have to keep grandma Kathy and Avery fed, and I needed something something familiar to get back on the horse of eating...I'm down about 11 pounds (although I am doing my own calculating from our kilogram scale...heck, I could have gained weight with my math skills) so should anyone ever ask how to lose weight without diet or exercise just answer (as David Letterman said years ago) "that pretty much just leaves disease".
Back soon-thanks for checking in.


  1. I laugh, I cry and I am most envious of Grandma Kathy's cup of java! Michele

  2. Think I was having 'withdrawal symptoms' for lack of posting -- sorry you sick, Todd! NO fun, that. Girls look happy, healthy & sweet. Kendall VERY happy :). G'ma Kathy --good camera work! Love to all.

  3. Todd, why would you drink Pepsi anyway? I think it was that, and not the ice, that made you sick. :)
