Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday in Guangzhou (I think)

Woke up this morning to the Oscar Red Carpet interviews, but had to get down to breakfast and ready for our tour before we could watch any awards given out-a very sureal site at 8am in the morning. We had a quick bite in the htoel and then spent 45 minutes waiting for the bus which was stuck in traffic (the biggest complaint of everyone waiting? No one told them they would have time to run to the closest starbucks). We then went to a Buddhist temple (see pictures) with a bigg Buddha and three of the biggest sidekicks I have ever seen (sorry, lost the pamphlet they gave out to dazzle you with little known I've got-the rumor was this was Jackie Chan's temple, and that he changed his name from Chen to Chan...I can confirm neither).  We spent roughly 30 minutes rushing through and managed to only donate money to the temple without purchasing anything (I'm not sure if I'm getting better or worse at this). We then mosied over to a folk art museum which was in an incredibly detailed building, and had some wonderful art along side of several areas for gifts (for the record Avery and Chloe got stamps with their names etched in them, and Avery received an art set with Chloe getting a little baby doll). We spent some time walking around admiring, but I think we are getting a littel weary of the tours and would prefer some more time to wander on our own (we will be skipping tomorrow's tour of...I forget exactly, but the words I heard on the bus from the guide were "dried seafood"-something definitley lost in translation, but we aren't going to find out). As evidence of the weariness we realized most of the group had already given up the tour and were either playing hacky sack (with some feather stuffed spring action ball-can't do it justice) or had headed off to McDonald's for lunch. So for the second time in as many days, we had McD's (although we ate it on the bus). When we got back to the hotel we invited avery's friend Ainsley down for a playdate since her sister has been battling a fever since the vaccination (hit 104.9 at its peak-great number for a slow jazz radio station but lousy for a four year old's temp)-not unexpected since she receveied 7 vaccinations in one day-criminal. Its also interesting to know that Ainsley's little sister Sienna that was adopted this trip was also spoiled by her foster parent's (good to hear right?) but they way in which she was spoiled is a little strange-her foster parents didn't brush her teeth and let her fall asleep with chocolate on her teeth-not surprising their is a tremendous amount of decay and discoloration-a dentist back in Minnesota has no idea a little girl is going to ruin his weeken in about two weeks. Sienna's trip to the the hospital today was also a little hard to hear about, as her parents said whn they arrived with the guide they said it looked like the site of a disaster and the Red Cross had just popped a tent-people with IVs running into all sorts of the body (the forehead was mentioned) and there were hundreds of people fighting to get seen-they said it would take half a day before anyone could see them-so they bagged it...and this was the good hospital! Thankfully Sienna was feeling much better this evening and her fever is normal. Avery, Ainsley and Chloe meanwhile had a great time down in the Mattel play room for a few hours. We finished with a nice dinner at Lucy's (western style) dining and a nice glass of wine with Ainsley's parents back in their room while the kids continued to play (Chloe was especially happy to play with a baby doll and legos-who knew?).


  1. Thanks for the posts. I really appreciate the humor and can't wait to see you all back stateside.

  2. We are loving your updates (sorry to hear you got sick, Todd, but better you than the kiddies. Way to take one for the team). Any monorails? How's Aunt Kathy handling the food? Please tell her we're thinking of her! Much love to all-- have a safe trip home. Can't wait to meet Chloe!

  3. I was wondering what was driving McDonalds record international store sales! - keep up the good work! Travel safe - you have a beautiful family - Michael Jaje

  4. Just read all the updates like a novel I couldn't put down! Thanks for all the details- wow- the photos are awesome! Chloe is so sweet and Avery's smile is sooo big! Been thinking of you all and happy to hear that you still have your sense of humor... what an adventure! Todd, hope you are feeling better- ugh! Please give our love to Kendall, Kathy, Avery & Chloe. Can't wait to make a date to meet Chloe. ~ Amy Murphy

  5. Great updates and great pictures. So sorry the you got sick Todd. We can't wait to see you all soon!

  6. Excellent posts. Love the updates. You were losing that quick first step, so maybe losing 11 pounds will help!

    Can't wait to see you guys.

  7. BTW, tell your mom that I made red wine dressing w/yummy salad topped w/lots of monterrey jack cheese and fresh sweet strawberries to go along with the rich and creamy homemade mac and cheese. It was just delish! :D And I found your 10lbs, they're on my belly.

  8. Yippeee -- a granddaughter that likes dolls of all things! The 'guys' are wonderful, but every once in awhile a doll screams out to be gifted :) Can't wait to see you all -- hope you get upgraded to first class out of LAX! Love to all.
